Sibsteklo will become an issuer of digital financial assets

Sibsteklo will become an issuer of digital financial assets

Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about the member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, Siberian Glass LLC (“Sibsteklo”):

LLC Sibirskoye Steklo (Sibsteklo, the largest manufacturer of glass containers outside the Urals, an asset of RATM Holding) became the first enterprise in the glass industry to issue digital financial assets (DFAs).

As Anton Mor, CEO of Sibstekl, said, digital financial instruments providing for monthly payment of coupon income are presented on two platforms: “Atomize” - for 200 million rubles for a period of 9 months at 18% per annum, and “A-Token” of Alfa Bank - for 100 million rubles for a period of 6 months at 19.5% per annum.

“Loan rates are not floating, but fixed, in order to maximally expand the circle of investors, including unqualified ones,” explained Anton More.

The money will be used to replenish working capital to increase purchases of glass waste - their use makes it possible to reduce the energy intensity of production processes and, as a result, the industrial load on the environment. In addition, the plant will support the sustainability of supply chains for mineral resources: by focusing on cooperation with mining companies from Siberia, Sibsteklo will reduce the transport footprint when transporting sand, dolomite and feldspar by half.

According to the President of RATM Holding Eduard Taran, the demand for tokenized securities is growing rapidly, although raising funds through DFA for industrial enterprises is still exotic.

“By solving operational problems, Sibsteklo opens up new investment opportunities - it uses modern and flexible tools that provide access to liquid financial resources in the shortest possible time,” comments Eduard Taran. – Sibsteklo continues to build a public debt history, this helps to increase brand awareness in the investment community and is in line with the strategy, which involves an IPO in the medium term.

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