REO: Beer bottles and cans will begin to be recycled using an electronic platform

REO: Beer bottles and cans will begin to be recycled using an electronic platform

The Baltika brewing company has registered on the electronic trading platform for the purchase and sale of secondary material resources (ETR), developed with the participation of the Russian Environmental Operator (REO).

The company will become a consumer of recycling services for glass bottles and aluminum cans.

According to Denis Butsaev, CEO of REO, many Russian companies have already joined the platform for trading secondary raw materials and implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR). Domestic enterprises have shown that they are ready to follow the principles of the circular economy. This year, this mechanism was updated, and the system began to work according to new rules, which make it possible to make the waste recycling sector more transparent, and the disposal of solid waste from goods and packaging - real, and not in the form of formalities on paper. ETP is a convenient tool for performing ROP.

According to a statement by the head of the ETP, Zaur Abdurakhimov, starting this year, manufacturers are required to comply with standards for the disposal of solid waste from their goods. Only verified, reliable recyclers are registered on the ETP for trading recyclables, from whom you can order such a service. And recently another major player joined the platform - the Baltika company. Using the ETP, the company will recycle beer glass bottles and aluminum cans. Such recyclable materials often become new products and can be recycled many times.

In total, 2,470 users have already registered on the site and placed 1,134 lots with a total value of 2.8 billion rubles. Companies can also carry out transactions for the purchase and sale of secondary raw materials and secondary resources.


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