Proposals of the Association «StekloSouz» of Road Map «Glass»

Proposals of the Association «StekloSouz» of Road Map «Glass»

Dear colleagues!

At present, in accordance with the request of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the heads of the Ecology Committee of the StekloSoyuz Association of Russia Alexey Savin (Chairman) and Sergey Lukyantsev (Deputy Chairman) have prepared a number of proposals for the draft Roadmap "Glass" (Road Map "Glass") to the Government of the Russian Federation on the introduction of separate waste collection, the transition to a circular economy and the use of a mechanism for extended producer responsibility in the disposal of packaging and glass goods.

We publish the name of the events of the "road map" taking into account the proposals of "StekloSouz" of Russia:

- Conducting an assessment of the existing infrastructure for the collection of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass in the subjects of the Russian Federation;

- Analysis of the availability of technologies, materials and mechanisms, with the help of which it becomes possible to reuse glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass, waste glass contained in incinerator slag;

- Implementation of regulatory and methodological support for the creation of an infrastructure for the collection of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass;

- Development of proposals for measures to support organizations, along with the main economic and (or) other activities involved in the collection of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass;

- Development of a plan to provide the missing infrastructure for the collection of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass of each subject of the Russian Federation, indicating the responsible, cost and timing of the work.;

- Approval of the methodology for calculating the values of target indicators, providing the territory of the settlement with collection points for glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass;

- Setting for each region the minimum target indicators for providing the territory of the settlement with collection points for glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass with the determination of their quantity, based on the morphological composition of municipal solid waste and the share of packaging and glass products in the municipal waste of a particular territory;

- Visualization of collection points for glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass on the electronic map of the Russian Federation;

- Preparation and transfer to the Subjects of the Russian Federation of information content for the preparation of the following training materials:

- lecture notes for teachers:

- methodological recommendations for teachers on the course of lectures;

- laboratory work/practical exercises;

- presentation materials for self-study by students;

- verification work on the results of training;

- Development of recommendations for the inclusion in curricula and educational programs of materials on the separate collection of all types of packaging, incl. multilayer and other types of combined packaging;

- Development and implementation of a program to improve the qualifications of teachers "Formation and development of environmentally friendly behavior of the population, promotion of an environmentally friendly lifestyle":

- lecture notes for teachers of advanced training courses;

- guidelines;

- laboratory work/practical exercises;

- presentation materials for self-study by students;

- verification work on the results of training;

- Conducting an assessment of the availability of infrastructure for the disposal of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass in the subjects of the Russian Federation;

- Formation of uniform standards and requirements for the creation of an infrastructure for the collection, processing and disposal of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), flat glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass;

- Development of a plan to provide the missing infrastructure for the collection of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass of each subject of the Russian Federation, indicating those responsible, cost and terms of work;

- Creation of an infrastructure for the collection, processing and disposal of waste, taking into account uniform standards and requirements for all constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- Carrying out an assessment of the market for secondary material resources resulting from the processing and disposal of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass;

- Release of a directory of available production technologies using secondary material resources, including information on the processing and disposal of glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass;

- Release of a directory of available technologies for the extraction, processing and disposal of glass waste from incinerator slag;

- Development of a list of incentive measures for enterprises to use secondary material resources obtained as a result of processing glass packaging and its waste (scrap), sheet glass and its waste (scrap), incl. mirrors and laminated glass.

Earlier, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation announced the formation of a working group (WG), which included specialists from the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia. The work plans of the WG provide for the development of a monitoring program for the implementation of the Road Map "Glass".

The roadmap will be approved by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko.

For reference: The Association StekloSouz of Russia on a systematic basis sent proposals to the Government, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Russian Environmental Operator (PPK REO) and other interested organizations on the implementation of the Concept of Extended Responsibility of Producers and Importers of Goods and Packaging (ERP ).

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