The first waste sorting complex will work in the autumn in the Amur region

The first waste sorting complex will work in the autumn in the Amur region

The BlagEco waste sorting complex in the Amur Region will become regional property in August. He should earn in September.

Due to the lack of an operating organization, the facility has been at 99 percent readiness for a long time. An agreement has now been reached with the regional Ministry of Natural Resources that the complex will be taken into regional ownership and the operating organization will begin sorting household waste.

“There are no such working complexes in the Amur Region. It will work first, and we hope that it will seriously increase the volume of waste processing. This complex will greatly help the implementation of the Ecology national project in the Amur Region, because it will recycle solid municipal waste in good volumes, ”Vasily Ofitserov, director of Ecology GBU Amur Region, told EastRussia.

Due to forced downtime, it is necessary to carry out repeated fire treatment, restore the slopes, and clean the wells. In mid-August, test connections of all systems and a test of the boiler room will be held. After that, the complex will be taken into regional ownership.

BlagEco can not only process municipal waste, it also has processing equipment for composting. In the future, sorting lines can be supplemented with other processing industries, for example, complexes for the separate processing of plastic, glass, paper.


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