In memory of Pavel Dzhibraelovich Sarkisov

In memory of Pavel Dzhibraelovich Sarkisov

The StekloSouz of Russia honors the memory of Pavel Dzhibraelovich Sarkisov, who made a tremendous contribution to the development of the domestic glass industry. Memorial Day of Academician Sarkisov, an outstanding scientist-glazier, rector and first President of the D.I. Mendeleev.

Pavel Dzhibraelovich Sarkisov is a legend of science, rector and first President of the D.I. Mendeleev, graduate of the Department of Glass, Mendeleev University

In 1959, Pavel Dzhibraelovich became a graduate student at the Moscow Art Institute named after D. I. Mendeleev, in 1963 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, and 15 years later he received a doctorate in technical sciences. A few more years will pass, and in 1984 Pavel Sarkisov will become the head of the Department of Glass.

Many new areas of silicate materials science are associated with the name of Pavel Dzhibraelovich. At the beginning of his career as a scientist, he achieved success in creating a technology for glass-crystalline materials based on industrial waste - slag metal. The principles formulated by Sarkisov for the design and synthesis of glasses and glass-crystalline materials formed the basis for the creation of new types and types of functional glass materials, composites, coatings, including nanostructured glasses, nonlinear optical and laser materials, oriented glass ceramics with oriented structure, polar dielectrics, and high-temperature composites on glass matrices, protective coatings.

The research results of a scientific school led by Sarkisov received widespread international recognition and became the basis for the birth of the International Scientific Laboratory of Glass-Based Functional Materials. For more than 25 years of managing the Department of Glass, Pavel Dzhibraelovich has prepared a galaxy of specialists for silicate science and industry in Russia and many foreign countries.

As president of the Russian Chemical Society named after Mendeleev, Pavel Dzhibraelovich contributed to the strengthening of the role of chemistry and chemical technologies in the country's economy, rallying the chemical community, and increasing the prestige of Russian chemical science in the world. He belongs to the idea of creating federal and research universities of the Russian Federation, expressed in the early 90's.

Pavel Dzhibraelovich was distinguished by a love of life, which resulted in a desire to constantly learn and do new things. He felt good people and knew how to choose like-minded people, had the ability to quickly and in the shortest possible time solve the tasks. In everyday life, he was a modest, sociable person. He loved to play football and baseball. And Pavel Dzhibraelovich brought his love of opera singing and classical music to the Mendeleev University. With his easy hands at the university, musical evenings became traditional, in which celebrities and young artists participated.

“Pavel Dzhibraelovich was an extraordinary person. He never ordered, his words were always perceived as a guide to action. In my life I have not met a warmer and wiser person. For all of us, Pavel Dzhibraelovich is an outstanding glazier. First of all, he was a leader in glass science. And today his work is not just not losing its relevance, but becoming more and more popular ”- Vladimir Nikolaevich Sigaev, Head of the Department of Glass, RCTU.

During the years that Pavel Dzhibraelovich headed the university, the Tushino complex was built at the Russian Chemical Technical University, new popular specialties appeared, and the Institute of Chemistry and Problems of Sustainable Development was created. Also, on the initiative of Pavel Dzhibraelovich, our university became the first technological university in the country. Sarkisov always supported teachers who were actively engaged in scientific work and introduced the results of their research into industry. He always advocated the connection "school - university - chemical complex enterprises."

Rectorate RCTU them. DI. Mendeleev and the staff of the Department of Glass keeps a bright memory of academician P.D. Sarkisov - an outstanding scientist and leader.

Based on materials:

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