New standards for glass packaging and tableware in action

New standards for glass packaging and tableware in action

Dear colleagues!

As part of the planned work on the development of technical regulation with the participation of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia under the leadership of the Standardization Expert, SE No. 0002063 Sergeeva L.S. work continues on the introduction of 8 new interstate standards for glass packaging (bottles and cans), which establish safety requirements, quality and test methods for finished products, dimensions and requirements for a series of new types of neck rims. These standards came into effect during 2019-2021.

The standards are intended for enterprises and organizations that produce and use glass bottles and jars.

List of standards:

GOST 34406-2018 “Glass packaging. Neck whisk for vacuum sealing. Type 58 tall." Entered into force on 01.06. 2019

GOST 34407-2018 “Glass packaging. Bottles. Neck with an inlet diameter of 18.5 mm for a cork stopper. Dimensions". Entered into force on 01.06. 2019

GOST ISO 12822-2018 “Glass packaging. Bottles. Whisk 26 H 126 for crown cap. Dimensions". Entered into force on 01.06. 2019

GOST 34578-2019 “Glass packaging. Neck whisk for vacuum capping. Type 77 is standard". Entered into force on 01.07. 2020

GOST 34561-2019 “Glass packaging. Bottles. 28mm tamper-evident whisk for pressurized liquids. Dimensions". Entered into force on 01.06. 2020

GOST 34653-2020 “Glass packaging. Neck whisk for vacuum capping. Type 82 is standard". Entered into force on 01.04. 2021

GOST 34654-2020 “Glass packaging. Neck whisk for vacuum capping. Type 89 is standard". Entered into force on 01.04. 2021

GOST 32671-2020 “Glass packaging for baby food. General technical conditions". Entered into force on 01.06. 2021 Instead of GOST 32671-2014

New standards for neck finishes have been developed taking into account the main provisions of international standards regarding the design, dimensions, including the thread profile, which will expand the range and increase the competitiveness of glass packaging on the international market.

GOST 32671-2020 “Glass packaging for baby food. General Specifications”, is in line with the standardization goals of improving the safety control of glass packaging for children.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2021 No. 122-r approved the plan of the main activities carried out within the framework of the Decade of Childhood for the period up to 2027, the list of tasks of which includes, among other things, meeting the needs of children in high-quality, safe and affordable goods.

At the enterprises of baby food, strict regulatory requirements are imposed on the packaging of products. Baby food jars and bottles must be 100% eco-friendly and economical. These strict requirements determine the relevance of the development of this standard for glass packaging, the main representatives of which are jars and bottles of various designs intended for packaging and use of canned food products, juices and drinks for children.

Enterprises producing dishes should pay special attention to the new interstate standard GOST 30407-2019 “Glassware for food and drinks. General technical conditions”, which entered into force on February 1, 2020, replacing the outdated GOST 30407-96. Due to the fact that there are requirements for the toxicity of glassware in contact with food, this standard refers to the new standards GOST R ISO 7086-1 “Glassware with a recess used in contact with food. Isolation of blue breeze and cadmium. Part 1. Test method" and GOST R ISO 7086-2 "Glassware with a cavity used in contact with food. Isolation of blue breeze and cadmium. Part 2. Permissible limits "

With the entry into force of the above standards, enterprises producing glass packaging and utensils should bring to the attention of the relevant departments of the enterprise and make changes to the technical documentation. For advice on the implementation of standards, amendments to the relevant documentation and the quality of glass products, please contact Expert-Standard LLC at:

e-mail: expert-standart@bk/ru, Mob. Tel. 8(915)777-26-44

Head of Standards Development,

Standardization Expert, CE No. 0002063

L.S. Sergeeva

Press Center "StekloSouz"

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