Ministry of Transport proposed to exchange bottles for metro travel

Ministry of Transport proposed to exchange bottles for metro travel

The Ministry of Transport offered to pay for travel in the subway and trains with plastic and glass bottles, as well as aluminum cans. According to TASS, the ministry proposed to install fandoms at metro stations and railway platforms that will receive them. In exchange, passengers will be able to replenish the transport card or receive points to pay for parking.

We add that a meeting on this topic will soon be held at the Ministry of Transport. It will be attended by representatives of the metropolitan government, as well as Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod subways.

Earlier, NSN wrote that manufacturers and networks want to oblige people to buy glass and plastic containers from the population. Corresponding amendments to the federal law “On production and consumption waste” were prepared by State Duma deputy Andrei Svintsov. According to the legislative initiative, manufacturers and importers of goods will be “obligated to reuse the container by introducing a collateral value on it”.

The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia Sergey Donskoy told NSN that he supported this initiative and was ready to personally participate and promote the "delivery of bottles."


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