The public procurement process in the construction industry is changing

The public procurement process in the construction industry is changing

The legislation governing the conduct of public procurement in the construction industry has been amended.

The new procedure for public procurement in the construction industry is established in government decree No. 921 of June 25, 2020. After the document enters into force, contractors for carrying out work on state contracts will be able to choose both at auctions and at public tenders.

In addition, the requirements that participants in tenders and auctions must meet will change:

to participate in tenders, contracting organizations now need to have experience in similar work for at least 5 years (previously it was limited to 3 years);

the customer has the opportunity to evaluate the experience of previously completed work on objects of a similar type (linear object, especially dangerous, unique object or “ordinary” object);

the experience of contractors in demolition and overhaul of buildings will no longer be taken into account when they participate in tenders for the construction or reconstruction of an object;

the cost of work under the contract is reduced, in which, under the terms of the tender, requirements for the experience of the construction company must be presented (previously this threshold was 10 million rubles, after the changes take effect, this value will amount to 5 million rubles).

It is expected that the innovations will allow attracting the most qualified contractors to the implementation of state contracts.

Most of the changes envisaged by Government Decision No. 921 will start working on July 10. The new procedure for public procurement in the construction industry will begin to operate on September 1.


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