Europe's largest furniture center glazed with Pilkington glass

Europe's largest furniture center glazed with Pilkington glass

The construction of the Kubatura furniture center, which is still undergoing finishing work, is nearing its logical conclusion. You can evaluate the appearance of the building and its energy-efficient functions now - the facade glazing using the Pilkington stele is completely over.

The furniture center Kubatura, located in St. Petersburg at the intersection of Fucik and Budapest Streets, promises to become the largest furniture and interior store in Europe. Its area is 140,000 square meters, which corresponds to the area of 19 football fields.

Kubatura is a modern center, which, according to the project, will combine shopping areas, recreation areas, children's playrooms, restaurants and a public space for workshops and lectures.

The furniture center was built according to the project of specialists of the company “Parity” in accordance with the latest requirements in architecture. The building is designed as a passage with a gallery along the middle longitudinal axis and a light lamp. A six-meter pedestrian gallery is provided along the facade from Fucik Street.

The developer and energy investor of the Concern Energotechnologii paid special attention to the ultra-modern facade, which has become a real decoration of the building.

When glazing the building, Pilkington Suncool® 70/35 Pro T glass was used. This is one of the latest developments of the company's specialists, created using Double Silver technology. Its essence is that a complex coating is applied to the glass by magnetron sputtering, which consists of two layers of silver. Glasses created using this technology are characterized by high light transmission, excellent energy-saving and sun-protection properties, as well as maximum selectivity.

Pilkington Suncool® 70/35 Pro T is a neutral tint glass with a reflectance close to ordinary glass.


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