The «Privat Glass» company has become a partner of the TV program «Battle of Designers» on the TNT channel

The «Privat Glass» company has become a partner of the TV program «Battle of Designers» on the TNT channel

Dear friends, we welcome you on behalf of the Privat Glass company.

The partition based on the Private Glass smart glass was appreciated by both the professional jury and fellow designers. And, of course, the main characters of the “Designers Battle” program are a family from Moscow.

It was for them that the designer Ekaterina Yarovaya brought to life the project of a modern ergonomic bathroom.

The Private Glass smart partition has become the element that has brought the wow effect and made the design of the room unique.

As a reminder, Private Glass smart glass is safe to use in humid environments and has an IP-56-57 electrical safety certificate.


The team of LLC "Privat Glass"

As you know, LLC "Privat Glass" is a member of "StekloSouz" Russia.

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