Chinese investors in the near future plan to begin construction of a glass factory in the Syrdarya region

Chinese investors in the near future plan to begin construction of a glass factory in the Syrdarya region

Representatives of the Chinese company Tashkent Zhuo Yuan Glass Development arrived in Uzbekistan to inspect the construction site of their glass factory. A meeting with them was held at the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, a correspondent reports.

A memorandum on the creation of a new plant for the production of float glass was signed between the Chinese company and the khokimat of the Syr Darya region with the assistance of the API in 2019. Investors intend to invest more than $ 10 million in the project and create 300 jobs.

The founders of Tashkent Zhuo Yuan Glass Development visited the republic to get acquainted with the territory allotted for the construction of the plant and discuss preparatory work for the implementation of the project.

Representatives of the company applied to the Agency for assistance in obtaining a business entry visa, allowing them to stay in Uzbekistan longer. They were provided with information that investors can obtain a multiple-entry investment visa, valid for up to three years, by investing in the country's economy at least 8500 basic calculation units (about 200 thousand dollars).

According to the founders of Tashkent Zhuo Yuan Glass Development, at the successful implementation of the project, they are also ready to open the production of gas blocks and foam blocks in Uzbekistan.

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