Energy Efficient Technologies in Glass Enterprises

Energy Efficient Technologies in Glass Enterprises

Heads of glass enterprises

To further improve the competitiveness and profitability of the glass industry, systematic planned work is underway, including the implementation of energy-efficient technologies in the industry.

The Glass Union of Russia asks you to collect and analyze information about the actual energy consumption at glass enterprises. This will make it possible to assess the need for the systematic development of the energy economy, as well as increasing its reliability and efficiency.

The active participation of the energy service of the enterprise in the collection of information will allow us to plan a number of organizational and technical measures for analyzing the cost of energy resources consumed and the specific gravity of each of them in the estimated cost of production for the enterprise as a whole and for individual departments.

Such an analysis will make it possible to assess which type of energy and energy carrier has the greatest influence on the economy of the enterprise and find ways to reduce the costs of this type of energy resource.

One of the main indicators is

energy intensity factor of production:

Ken n = Ef / Vp

where Ef is the amount of electricity spent on production, kWh;

VP - the volume of output, in the prices of the enterprise.

Saving electric and thermal energy of all types of energy carriers is not only the most important task, but also a significant contribution to the economy of the enterprise.

Opportunities for saving energy resources are at every enterprise. Their implementation depends only on the maturity of the energy and technological services of each given enterprise, as well as on the quality and determination of the planning of this most important work site.

We suggest that you fill out the questionnaire on the energy consumption of the enterprise below to generate a report on reducing the energy intensity of production and its practical implementation. It is necessary to transfer the data before 06/01/2020 to the StekloSouz of Russia by e-mail:

Committee of the Association "StekloSouz"

on the development of energy in glass enterprises.

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