Dagestan glass factory intends to receive state support in the North Caucasus Development Corporation

Dagestan glass factory intends to receive state support in the North Caucasus Development Corporation

The Dagestan Glass Tara plant intends to receive state support funds from the North Caucasus Development Corporation.

So, according to the regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Investments, the company has already filed an application with the Corporation.

“The total cost of the project is 125.2 million rubles. At the expense of these funds, the enterprise intends to modernize the glass melting furnace in the glass packaging workshop to increase productivity from 140 to 160 tons per day, ”the Agency said.

Recall that applicants for support should not have arrears of monetary obligations to the state, as well as of obligatory payments to budgets and extra-budgetary funds.

An investor should also not be involved in a bankruptcy case or have a negative credit history.

Source: http://mirmol.ru

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