Association «StekloSouz» of Russia. Meeting on the Development of Lighting Glass

Association «StekloSouz» of Russia. Meeting on the Development of Lighting Glass

On February 18, 2021, the leadership of the "StekloSouz" Association of Russia held a meeting on the development of lighting glass.

The event was held online.

Viktor Osipov, President of "StekloSouz" of Russia expressed concern about the state of this segment of the glass industry in Russia.

Issues of production and import substitution were discussed. Vladislav Golubev , Vice President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia outlined the work plan for 2021. Particular attention was paid to the growth of imports from China and other countries.Vladislav Golubev said that the analysis of the market in terms of production and consumption has been completed. He dwelled on the development of consumption of domestic recirculators.

Viktor Osipov asked to improve the work on the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 616 "On the establishment of a ban on the admission of industrial goods originating from foreign countries for the purpose of procurement for state and municipal needs, as well as industrial goods originating from foreign countries, works (services) performed (provided) by foreign persons for the purpose of making purchases for the needs of the country's defense and state security ”.

At the same time, he expressed concern about the situation at Tomsk Lighting Engineering Plant LLC. Until now, pressure continues on this enterprise, social tension is growing.

Decisions made.

Press center "StekloSouz"

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