Meeting of the Public Coordinating Council

Meeting of the Public Coordinating Council

In 2017, with the support of the StekloSouz Association of Russia and a number of industry associations and Unions, the Public Coordinating Council for the planning, development and implementation of regulatory documents of the PC 24 subcommittee “Window, door and door blocks. Components and materials »TK 465" Construction ". StekloSouz is an active member of the Public Coordination Council of SC 24.

January 16, 2018 a scheduled meeting of the Public Council was held. As part of the implementation of plans for cooperation between the StekloSouz of Russia and TC 465 "Construction", experts from StekloSouz of Russia took part in the meeting. Also, the meeting was attended by representatives of industry associations, research organizations and universities, heads of enterprises for the production of window products.

During the meeting, Director of the Department of flat glass and industrial processing of the Glass Union Gorin A.E. made a number of proposals for improving the work of the Council in 2019. First of all, the proposals related to the organization of interaction with TC 144 "Building materials and products" and solving problems in the accreditation of testing laboratories.

The main topics that were discussed at the meeting:

Improving the regulatory and legal framework for the use of glass in construction.
The current situation with the development of standards and the consideration of proposals of members of the Public Council on the inclusion in the Standardization Plan of national and interstate standards, as well as in the Plan of Work of the Ministry of Construction on R & D for 2020-2021.
Organization of systemic interaction between glass manufacturers and light-transparent structures and the construction community.

The interaction with the technical committee on standardization of TC 144 “Construction materials and products” was considered.

Problems with the accreditation of testing laboratories and measures to normalize the situation were also considered.

Following the meeting, it was decided at the end of February to hold a traditional joint meeting of the working group “Sheet glass. Pompererabotka. Safety and fire-prevention glass ”of the StekloSouz and the Public Coordinating Council for planning, developing and implementing regulatory documents of the subcommittee PC 24“ Window, door and gate blocks. Components and materials »TK 465" Construction ".

Press Center of StekloSouz.

Meeting of the Public Coordinating Council

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