Problems of the quality of raw materials


April 19, 2012

“Problems of the quality of raw materials”


Consolidate producers and consumers of raw materials; jointly discuss the results and problems of the raw materials and glass industries; Get up-to-date information set the trajectory of development of industries.


- Raw materials, cullet.

- Preparation of charge mixtures.

- New types of technological processes.

- The development of nanotechnology.

- Machines and equipment for the production of quality raw materials.

- Research work.

- Control systems for raw materials.

- Development of the raw material base.

- Modern energy-efficient technologies.

- Rational use of raw materials.

- Current legislation.

- World practice.

The opportunity was given to experts from Russia, Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, the USA, Ukraine, Finland, the Czech Republic and other countries - leaders in the production of raw materials and equipment for the glass industry, together with key representatives of science to exchange technologies. Listen to problematic questions from consumers of raw materials and equipment. To get acquainted with the latest samples of raw materials, related technologies for the production of raw materials. Meet with representatives of leading companies and discuss the current economic situation in the industry, which is directly related to the problems of using raw materials, charge, cullet, equipment, energy saving and other difficult problems, without mutual scientific dialogue.


April 19, 2012

1. Osipov Victor Ivanovich, Ph.D. President of the Glass Union of Russia, Moscow

Greetings to the conference participants

"Prospects for the development of the glass market in Russia until 2020."

2. Litvin Vladimir Ivanovich, technical director Salavatsteklo OJSC, Salavat.

"Increasing the quality requirements for raw materials and glass breakdown for the stabilization and efficient operation of high-quality float glass melting furnaces."

3. Paryushkina Olga Vladimirovna, candidate of technical sciences, deputy. Director General LLC NPF Tareksa, Moscow.

"The influence of the quality of raw materials on the glassmaking process."

4. Aksenov Evgeny Mikhailovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Central Research Institute of Geolnerud, Kazan.

"On the state and use of the mineral resource base of Russia for the glass industry."

5. Fedotov Alexey Nikolaevich, Marketing and sales manager in the Glass sector of Sibelco Russia, Belgium.

"Mineral solutions for the glass industry from Sibelco Russia".

6. Aleksandrov Alexander Valerevich, Manager of the alumina production technology department of RUSAL Achinsk, Achinsk.

"Features of the production of soda ash at the Achinsk Alumina Refinery."

7. Chukichev Vladimir Nikolaevich, Head of nitroammophoski production at AKRON OJSC, Veliky Novgorod.

"Production of chemically precipitated calcium carbonate. Consumer characteristics of calcium carbonate compared to its natural counterparts."

8. Pankin Alexey Nikolaevich, Deputy General Director OJSC "Plant Kovrovsky Dolomite the Ground", Vladimir region., Kovrov.

"Presentation of factory products."

9. Polkan Galina Alekseevna, candidate of technical sciences, head. glassmaking department OJSC "Saratov Glass Institute", Saratov.

"Synthetic carbonates are promising raw materials for the glass industry."

10. Pribora Vasily Nikolaevich, Sales Manager, BRUKER, Germany.

"BRUKER experience in the quality control of raw materials in the glass industry."

11. Shestakov Oleg Vasilievich, Lead Engineer, Mining Department, Coraline Engineering, USA.

"Technologies and equipment for mining and processing plants and the production of high-quality cullet".

12. Glukhov Gennady Viktorovich, Development Director of Lahti Precision in Russia and PST, Finland.

"New technologies for fast and accurate dosing to control the quality of the preparation of the mixture."

13. Dyakonov Denis Viktorovich, Sibelco Russia consultant on the implementation of lean manufacturing tools, Belgium.

"Experience in improving the efficiency of production processes in" Sibelco Russia ".

14. Konovalova Lyudmila Dmitrievna, senior lecturer Department of chemical technology of glass and glass, RHTU im. DI. Mendeleev, Moscow

"The influence of cullet quality on the composition and properties of welded glass."

15. Borinsky Valery Nikolaevich, General Director of Utility, Ukraine.

"The modern concept of the efficient use of cullet."

16. Kurumyan Vardan, Representative of the company "REDWAVE" in the Russian Federation, Austria.

"European and American experience of the REDWAVE company in preparing cullet for secondary use and the possibility of introducing optical sorting technologies in Russia."

17. Klemyato Dmitry Vladimirovich, Head of the department of the joint venture "Solar TII", Belarus.

"Fast high-precision analysis of the chemical composition of silicate glasses and components for their production on the LEA-S500 elemental composition analyzer."

18. Vutik Vadim Leonidovich, Head of Marketing Department, ChMP NPF Prodekologiya, Ukraine

"Comprehensive use of magnetic separators in glass production."

19. Sergeeva Lyudmila Sergeeva, Ph.D. Chairman of the shopping center "Glass containers and utensils", general director of Expert Standard LLC, Gus-Khrustalny

"The influence of raw materials and cullet on the quality of glass products."

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