Cooperation agreement: Association

Cooperation agreement: Association

Cooperation agreement: Association "StekloSouz" of Russia and the Union of Energy and Environmental Safety

On March 21, 2024, the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia (hereinafter referred to as SSR) together with the Union of Energy and Environmental Security (hereinafter referred to as SES) signed a cooperation agreement.

On the SSR side, the following were present at the signing of the agreement:

⦿ Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia (signed the agreement).

⦿ Alexey Savin, Chairman of the SSR Ecology Committee.

On the part of SEB, the agreement was signed by the head of Sokolova Natalya.

For the purpose of cooperation in expert scientific, technical and innovative activities, joint work will be carried out in the following areas:

Carrying out fundamental and applied research work within the framework of joint projects.

Carrying out joint research and development work in mutually relevant areas on a subcontract basis.

Creating conditions for the exchange of ideas, information and technologies, as well as organizing joint research and development within the framework of agreed priority areas.

Organizing and conducting courses, lectures, seminars, trainings, master classes and other educational events.

In these areas, the following forms of interaction are provided:

joint meetings and discussions

online information exchange


holding joint events

organization of scientific and technical expertise of projects, programs and other types of expertise

organization of joint conferences, seminars, symposiums, exhibitions and other forms of presentation of the results of research and development work

organization of joint scientific, technical and innovative events

participation in the creation and maintenance of the activities of commissions, committees, working and project groups, other advisory, expert and other bodies whose competence includes issues related to areas of cooperation

representation of positions in government bodies and the media

formation of joint legislative initiatives, their promotion from the development of projects to the adoption of the final regulatory act

preparation and implementation of joint research programs, research work in certain scientific areas, including programs and projects with international participation

Within the framework of this document, a joint action plan is currently being developed to resolve sectoral problematic issues.

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