Scientists have revealed the secret of the picture of Leonardo da Vinci

Scientists have revealed the secret of the picture of Leonardo da Vinci

Scientists have unraveled the mystery of a glass globe in Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Savior of the world." At the same time, this canvas is the most expensive work of art in history.

According to with reference to ToDay News Ufa, in the picture of Leonardo da Vinci "Savior of the world" Christ holds a transparent sphere in his hand. The audience was amazed that the clothes of Christ were visible with almost no distortion and it was believed that the image of the sphere was unrealistic.

However, scientists made a 3D model of the picture and completely rehabilitated the master. They found out that the ball from the picture is hollow, it is made of glass 1.3 mm thick, the diameter of the sphere is 6.8 cm. This explains the almost complete absence of distortion on the canvas.

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